SNSF File Extension

File Type

Super NES Sound Format




Audio Files





Information about the SNSF file extension

Files with the SNSF extension are found in 3 operating systems which include Android, Mac OS, Windows. The SNSF extension was originally developed for the Winamp application. The developer of this program is Radionomy. Additionally, SNSF files can be handled by applications like .

SNSF files fall under the Audio Files category. The SNSF file extension can also be found in 771 in other file types and may not be supported by Winamp or similar programs. The format of this particular Super NES Sound Format file was developed by CaitSith2. This particular Super NES Sound Format file was most likely generated by the Winamp program.

Choose the right tool

SNSF File Extension

SNSF File Tools

What tools are we dealing with?

We provide some of the most important tools for working with the SNSF file. With their help you will be able to perform many operations on SNSF files. For example, these tools will help you convert or edit your SNSF file.

SNSF File Opener

SNSF opener is one of the most used tools. Here you will find a way to open your unknown SNSF file. If you already open the SNSF file, you will have more options to work with the file.

SNSF File Viewer