VMDK to OVA Converter

How to convert VMDK to OVA?

If you need to convert the VMDK file to OVA format, you've come to the right place. Check out the list of tips on how to do this. The simplest and most reliable method is to use "VMDK to OVA Converter" software. Converting is simple and effective. At the end of the text you will find other example file conversions VMDK and OVA that are possible with the help of these applications.

3 steps to convert VMDK to OVA

review image

1. "VMDK TO OVA CONVERTER" type software

The list of dedicated converters adapted to the process is presented below. Usually, handling this type of software is trivial. First, select the file in the VMDK format that you want to convert and then select the target format - OVA from the list of available extensions. Or you can select additional file output settings and click the button to start conversion. If you only want to preview the contents of the VMDK or OVA file, you don't need to do the conversion. Just look at VMDK viewer or OVA viewer.

# Software program
1. VirtualBox
2. VMware Workstation
3. VMware Fusion
4. VirtualBox for Mac
5. VirtualBox for Linux

2. Solutions from the Internet

With the help of dedicated software, you should be able to deal with the current conversion without any problems. However, if there are errors, you can use recommended third-party tools. Below are some example websites that offer conversion VMDK to OVA online.


Free Online File Converter Service


File Conversion Service

3. Other ways to convert VMDK to OVA

Suggestions in the tables that can help you. More information about each of the conversions on individual subpages. There will also be a list of dedicated software to carry out the conversion process.

Convert VMDK and OVA files


VMDK to OVA VMDK convert OVA converter VMDK to OVA convert


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