Yacc Source Format
Stephen C. Johnson
Developer Files
If you want to edit Y file and not damage it, you should install dedicated software Of course, there are probably Y Online Editors available, but none of them will be able to provide such a wide range of available options as dedicated software.
Please note that not every program that supports Y will allow you to edit the file. Additional information about the Y file extension can be found here.
This is the best way. Try to open the Y file with one of the programs and it will see if you can edit the Y file. It's safest to download the software from the developer's website. You can find direct links to the creators' websites on the subpages of each application. List of sample programs supporting the Y file below.
All available programs supporting the Y file
Remember that many file types have a text format and you can preview their contents by opening them, for example, with Windows Notepad. However, it's dangerous, you can permanently damage your Y file. After saving the changes, it may not be possible to reopen the Y file. It is safest to use software that was created to edit files in the Y format.
It is actually certain that one of the applications working with files in the Y format will be able to edit the file. Use other options if you still haven't found a way to edit Y. Below we found websites that help in editing Y files.
Free Online File Edit Service
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